Do you sometimes feel that you’re going round & around in circles searching for health answers? Has it been ongoing for so long that you’re lost & confused about which symptom belongs to which label? Have you been to 10’s, if not 100’s of Health Practitioners & still live on a daily basis with chronic Read More
Depression: Do You Have It? Or Do You Do It?
Depression is something most of us experience in our lives. For some it’s short lived & goes of its own accord. For others it never seems to go away. But can it go away? Here at Mind Body Synergy, we’re committed to empowering people to find new ways of managing, eliminating or even simply making Read More
My Top 5 Reasons to Visit Stanthorpe QLD 4380 Australia
Health therapies aren’t the only reason to visit my home town of Stanthorpe although it’s great idea to add a luxurious and healing Ancient Hawaiian Temple Massage (aka Ka Huna or Lomi Lomi) to your itinerary for a bit of pampering during your stay. Or even an Alchemy of the Mind Tapping Session. Stanthorpe is Read More
My Story With EMF Protection Pendants
EMR & EMF Protection by eWater Health Emporium What are EMFs? Very simply put, EMFs are electromagnetic fields—invisible lines of force that emanate from any electrical or wireless device. There are basically two types of EMFs: low frequency and high frequency. Low frequency EMFs are emitted by our electricity and appliances. High Frequency EMFs (also known Read More
Faster EFT Video Series 23/10/2013 to 15/12/2015
Here’s a series of videos I created a couple of years ago when I first began my Faster EFT Journey in 2013. Which might I add was as series of synchronicities that can only lead me to believe that I am definitely on the right path. I hope you get something positive out of them. Read More
My Ka Huna Story – The Short Version
My Ka Huna Story… After working for nearly two years working as a Therapeutic Life Coach using the Faster EFT Healing System for both myself & my clients, my personal level of confidence & clarity has grown so much that almost completely out of the blue I decided I wanted to learn massage. Growing up Read More
My Greatest Pain Became & Is Still Becoming My Greatest Lesson
For the benefit of the reader who is in a hurry, I will highlight in blue the key words in this story, you can pretty much just read the key words to gain a complete insight into what was going on with me during that time of life. I look back and think Wow! No wonder I Read More
Pain, what is it really all about?
I have had this chronic pain in my neck & shoulders and it’s been around on and off for about 6 years. At first I thought this pain was a purely physical thing. But I had all the tests and the doctors couldn’t find a thing wrong with me, and that is a good thing Read More